#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
/* Stores parameters that specify how to the program should behave. *
* Populated by the get_parms() function. You don’t really need to
* worry about this bit. I wrote it for you. */
struct parms {
char *filename;
unsigned char mode;
typedef struct parms Parms;
/** U S E R I N T E R F A C E ****************************************/
/* This function simply displays helpful usage information if the
* program is called improperly or with no command line arguments.
* You don’t need to know how this function works. */
void print_usage(const char *cmd)
printf(“Usage: %s MODE filename\n\n”
“Available Modes:\n”
” -c Compress: Performs RLE compression on \”filename\”\n”
” and writes result to \”filename.rle\”\n\n”
” -x Expand: Performs RLE expansion on \”filename\”. The\n”
” supplied \”filename\” must have the extension\n”
” \”.rle\” The result is written to \”filename\”\n”
” with the extension \”.rle\” removed.\n\n”
” -d Debug: Prints a hexdump of \”filename\” to the screen.\n\n”
” -g Generate: Writes the test file described in the Project 2\n”
” assignment document to disk as \”filename\”. Use\n”
” this file to test and debug your program.\n\n”
” %s -c test.bin\n\tProduces RLE encoded file test.bin.rle\n”
” %s -x test.bin.rle\n\tExpands test.bin.rle to disk as test.bin\n”
” %s -d test.bin.rle\n\tDisplays raw contents of test.bin.rle\n”
” %s -g test.bin\n\tGenerates test file with known contents to disk as test.bin\n”,
cmd, cmd, cmd, cmd, cmd);
/* This function parses the command line arguments supplied in
* argc/argv and populates the Params struct with the mode and filename
* specified by the user on the command line.
* You don’t need to know how this function works. */
int get_parms(Parms *parms, int argc, char **argv)
int i = 0;
char *modes = “cxdg”;
if (argc != 3 || *argv[1] != ‘-‘)
return 0;
while (modes[i] && modes[i] != *(argv[1] + 1))
if ( (parms->mode = i) == strlen(modes) ) {
fprintf(stderr, “Invalid Mode %s\n”, argv[1]);
return 0;
parms->filename = argv[2];
return 1;
/** H E L P E R F U N C T I O N S ************************************/
/* Returns a newly allocated string on the heap containing the supplied
* filename with the specified extension added to its end. This
* function effectively just concatenates two strings. */
char *filename_add_ext(const char *filename, const char *ext)
int filenameLen = strlen(filename);
int extLen = strlen(filename);
char *filenameExt = (char *)malloc((filenameLen + extLen + 1) * sizeof(char));
strcpy(filenameExt, filename);
strcat(filenameExt, “.”);
strcat(filenameExt, ext);
return filenameExt;
/* Returns a newly allocated string on the heap containing the supplied
* filename with its extension removed.
* For example:
* if `filename` contains the string “test.txt.rle”, then this
* function will return a string on the heap containing
* “test.txt” */
char *filename_rm_ext(const char *filename)
/* Your code goes here! */
int filenameLen = strlen(filename);
char *filenameWOExt = (char *)malloc((filenameLen – 4) * sizeof(char));
strncpy(filenameWOExt, filename, filenameLen – 4);
return filenameWOExt;
/* This function returns zero if the supplied filename does not have the
* extension “.rle”; otherwise it returns a non-zero value. */
int check_ext(const char *filename)
int filenameLen = strlen(filename);
if (filenameLen < 4) {
return 0;
int i = filenameLen – 4;
char *rleExt = “.rle”;
for (; i<filenameLen; i++) {
if (filename[i] != rleExt[i – filenameLen + 4]) {
return 0;
return 1;
/* This function returns zero if the supplied file does not have the
* !RLE “magic” byte sequence as its first four bytes; otherwise it
* returns a non-zero value. */
int check_magic(FILE *fp)
/* Your code goes here! */
unsigned int nbytes, magicLen = 4;
unsigned char b[magicLen];
int result = 1;
nbytes = fread(b, sizeof(*b), magicLen, fp);
if (nbytes < magicLen) {
result = 0;
if (b[0] != 33 || b[1] != 82 || b[2] != 76 || b[3] != 69 ) {
result = 0;
return result;
/** M O D E S **********************************************************/
/* This function performs the run length encoding (RLE) algorithm on the
* bytes of the specified file (which must not be modified). The result
* is written to a new file having the supplied filename PLUS the “.rle”
* extension. Called when -c is supplied for mode on the command line.
* For example, if the supplied filename is “test.bin”, this function
* should create the file “test.bin.rle”, whose contents will be the
* run length encoded bytes of “test.bin”.
* This function is also responsible for writing the !RLE “magic” byte
* sequence to the first four bytes of the output file, thus marking it
* as a genuine RLE encoded file. */
void compress(const char *filename)
unsigned char b[16];
unsigned int nbytes, i;
unsigned int offset = 0;
char *filenameExt = filename_add_ext(filename, “rle”);
FILE *fplain = fopen(filename, “rb”);
FILE *fcomp = fopen(filenameExt, “wb”);
if (!fplain) {
fprintf(stderr, “error — failed to open file ‘%s’\n”, filename);
if (!fcomp) {
fprintf(stderr, “error — failed to open file ‘%s’\n”, filenameExt);
unsigned char magic[4] = { 33, 82, 76, 69 };
fwrite(magic, sizeof(char), 4, fcomp);
unsigned char current = 0;
unsigned char current_size = 0;
while ( (nbytes = fread(b, sizeof(*b), 16, fplain)) > 0 ) {
for (i=0; i<nbytes; i++) {
if (current == b[i]) {
if (current_size == 255) {
fwrite(¤t_size, sizeof(char), 1, fcomp);
fwrite(¤t, sizeof(char), 1, fcomp);
current_size = 0;
else {
if (current_size > 0) {
fwrite(¤t_size, sizeof(char), 1, fcomp);
fwrite(¤t, sizeof(char), 1, fcomp);
current = b[i];
current_size = 1;
if (current_size > 0) {
fwrite(¤t_size, sizeof(char), 1, fcomp);
fwrite(¤t, sizeof(char), 1, fcomp);
/* This function performs run length decoding on the bytes of the
* supplied filename and writes the result to disk as the contents of a
* newly created file with the supplied filename MINUS the “.rle”
* extension. Called when -x is supplied for mode on the command line.
* For example, if the supplied filename is “test.bin.rle”, this
* function will create the file “test.bin”, whose contents will be
* the run length decoded bytes of “test.bin”.
* This function also checks that the supplied filename has both the
* “.rle” extension and !RLE “magic” byte sequence. If either is not
* present, this function prints an appropriate error message to stderr,
* does not create a new file, and simply returns without performing
* any run length decoding. */
void expand(const char *filename)
unsigned char b[16];
unsigned int nbytes, i;
unsigned int offset = 0;
if (check_ext(filename) == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, “error — compressed file ‘%s’ does not contain .rle extension\n”, filename);
FILE *fcomp = fopen(filename, “rb”);
if (!fcomp) {
fprintf(stderr, “error — failed to open file ‘%s’\n”, filename);
if (check_magic(fcomp) == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, “error — compressed file ‘%s’ does not contain .rle magic numbers\n”, filename);
char *filenameWOExt = filename_rm_ext(filename);
FILE *fplain = fopen(filenameWOExt, “wb”);
if (!fplain) {
fprintf(stderr, “error — failed to open file ‘%s’\n”, filenameWOExt);
while ( (fread(b, sizeof(*b), 2, fcomp)) > 0 ) {
for (i=0; i<b[0]; i++) {
fwrite(&(b[1]), sizeof(char), 1, fplain);
/* This function prints a raw byte dump of the specified file to the
* screen. Called when -d is supplied for mode on the command line.
* This allows you to look at the raw bytes of any file you want, which
* should very much help you debug your program.
* You don’t need to know how this function works. */
void debug(const char *filename)
unsigned char b[16];
unsigned int nbytes, i;
unsigned int offset = 0;
FILE *fp = fopen(filename, “rb”);
if (!fp) {
fprintf(stderr, “error — failed to open file ‘%s’\n”, filename);
while ( (nbytes = fread(b, sizeof(*b), 16, fp)) > 0 ) {
printf(“%08x: “, offset);
for (i=0; i<16; i++) {
i < nbytes ? printf(“%02x”, b[i]) : printf(” “);
++i < nbytes ? printf(“%02x “, b[i]) : printf(” “);
printf(” “);
for (i=0; i<nbytes; i++)
printf(“%c”, isprint(b[i]) ? b[i] : ‘.’);
offset += 16;
/* This function generates the test file discussed in the Project
* description document. Called when -g is supplied for mode on the
* command line. This provides a file you understand the contents of,
* which should very much help you debug your program.
* You don’t need to know how this function works. */
void generate(const char *filename)
FILE *fp = fopen(filename, “wb”);
unsigned char test[] =
if (!fp) {
fprintf(stderr, “error — failed to open ‘%s’\n”, filename);
if (1 != fwrite(test, sizeof(test) – 1, 1, fp))
fprintf(stderr, “failed to write ‘%s’ (oh no!)\n”, filename);
/** M A I N ************************************************************/
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Parms parms;
char *p1 = “test.txt”;
/* simply an array of function pointers */
void (*action[])(const char *filename) = {
/* get mode and filename from command line arguments;
* prints the usage and exits if improper arguments are supplied */
if(!get_parms(&parms, argc, argv)) {
/* call the function for the specified mode and pass
* it the filename supplied at the command line */
return 0;