Solution for Statistics - Supply and Demand Task (a) β̂1 = −0.75317 Confidence interval is: ( −0.8050502, −0.7012837 ) (b) For a variable to be valid instrument for log_p , it should be correlated with log_p but uncorrelated with error term (UI ) For this data Cov(log _ p , distance _ oil1000) = 0.03071227 and Cov(log _ p , log _ q) = −3.55e − 19~0 Hence distance _ oil1000 is a valid instrument (c) If we regress log_p on distance_oil1000 and perform t-test on the mean of error term the following output is obtained: This indicates we accept null hypothesis (d) β̂1 = −1.20575 Confidence interval is: ( −1.295918, −0.663003 ) (e) OLS Regression: β̂1 = −0.98471 Confidence interval is: ( −1.032832, −0.9365815 ) IV Regression: β̂1 = −1.63115 Confidence interval is: ( −1.713983, −1.548315 library(foreign) data=read.dta("gasoline_demand_BHP2012.dta") new_data=data[-which($distance_oil1000)==TRUE),] #OLS model=lm(log_q~log_p,data=new_data) s=summary(model) #HC standard error hc_error=vcovHC(model,type="HC") #conf interval lower=s$coefficients[2]-(1.96*hc_error[2,2]) upper=s$coefficients[2]+(1.96*hc_error[2,2]) #instrument error=new_data$log_q-model$fitted.values #checking covariance condition for instruement variable cov(error,new_data$log_p) cov(new_data$distance_oil1000,new_data$log_p) #regressing on instrument variable m=lm(log_p~distance_oil1000,data=new_data,x=TRUE) t.test(new_data$log_p,new_data$distance_oil1000) #iv regression library(AER) library(ivpack) ivmodel=ivreg(log_q~log_p|distance_oil1000,data=new_data,x=TRUE) s1=summary(ivmodel) #HC Standard error hc_error1=vcovHC(ivmodel,type="HC") #conf interval lower1=s1$coefficients[2]-(1.96*hc_error1[2,2]) upper1=s$coefficients[2]+(1.96*hc_error1[2,2]) #setup 2 #OLS mod=lm(log_q~log_p+log_y, data=new_data) s_mod=summary(mod) #HC Standard error hc_mod=vcovHC(mod,type="HC") #confidence interval lower_mod=s_mod$coefficients[2]-1.96*hc_mod[2,2] upper_mod=s_mod$coefficients[2]+1.96*hc_mod[2,2] #IV ivmod=ivreg(log_q~log_p+log_y|distance_oil1000+log_y,data=new_data,x=TRUE) s_ivmod=summary(ivmod) #HC Standard error hc_ivmod=vcovHC(ivmod,type="HC") #confidence interval lower_ivmod=s_ivmod$coefficients[2]-1.96*hc_ivmod[2,2] upper_ivmod=s_ivmod$coefficients[2]+1.96*hc_ivmod[2,2]