The International Classification of functioning, disability, and Health (ICF) is a developed classification for health and health-related domains. The ICF model is beneficial for performing and organizing information for measuring health and disability people (Cieza et al. 2019). WHO developed the ICF model which provides the best possible way for patients’ treatment and recovery. The biomedical model provides information about mental disorders and brain diseases to cure biological abnormalities through pharmacological treatment (Daluiso-King and Hebron 2022). The biomedical model is focusing towards only on biological factors and excludes physiological, social and environmental influences. Mental illness can be cured with the help of a biomedical model which is essential to solving this growing issue. The successful biomedical model is able to ensure the solution for different critical illnesses. The separate entity of mind and body are developed with the help of the bio-medical models which are influencing health and illness.
In this essay, the advantages and disadvantages of the ICF model and the BIO medical model are described. These models are helping the person with physiotherapy is also described here. The effects of the ICF and the BIO medical model are also described in this essay.
The advantages of ICF
The ICF framework is provided with clinicians a more realistic, integrative model to understand a person’s health situation. The ICF model is characterize health conditions in three different factors which are activities, participation and impairment. The core value of the ICF framework is developed with professionalism, humanity, equity and collaboration. The body’s physiological systems are developed with body functions. Body structures are helping to develop the anatomical parts of the body parts such as organs, limbs and their components. Physical well-being, social well-being and economic well-being are the domains of well-being which is developed through the ICF model. The achievement of mental well-being can be gained through physical activities, connection with other people, develop new skills.
Mental health conditions can be solved with social connections with friends and family which is beneficial for developing strength to overcome social isolation which is projected as the main problem for mental health conditions. Physical well-being or becoming physically active can solve mental health conditions and develop a healthy routine for gaining achievement in personal life. Physical well-being can provide a positive approach towards work and this can any mental issues such as stress, or depression which is beneficial for progress in personal and professional life.
Issue of depression is developed in a person due to loss in quality of life with morbidity, mortality and significant loss. Confidence and self-esteem can be lost in this disease. The person facing the issues of depression is facing a mental barrier and huge changes in behaviors. Social isolation can also be developed in the patient which is one of the most important factors in depression. The use of the ICF model can provide a change in medical conditions which is essential for creating encouragement for the patient to overcome health issues. The activities are developed for the patients to overcome depression and it helps to cure health conditions as well. Electroconvulsive therapy ( ECT) is a common medical treatment which is essential for depression. This process provides electronic stimulation in the brains of patients under anaesthesia. The biomedical factors of depression can be affected by genes, hormonal issues, and brain chemicals. The issues of depression can be developed for an individual through families. Physiological functioning can cure mental disorders as a part of treatment.
A case study shows which is able to give benefits to the patients in the ICF model is described. In this case, the effectiveness of the ICF model is shown and the health benefits received with the ICF model are also developed. Emmy is facing issues of depression and she goes to the therapist to improve her medical condition. The suggestions given by the therapist are able to cure her mental condition. The therapist has given suggestions as per the ICF model which is completely beneficial for her to get rid of the depression and start enjoying a normal lifestyle. Traditional drug therapy is not developed to cure the patients in this system which is essential to gain improvement from different medical health conditions and achieve a better lifestyle which is important for achieving success in life (Chao and Chen 2019). From this case study, we can get an overview of depression and the issues depression is affecting people. The treatment for depression is also mentioned in this study. The identification of trigger elements can increase the chance of depression in an individual. The best possible way to recover from the condition of depression in also mentioned in the case study.
The disadvantages of ICF
The complexity of the ICF model is able to develop the difficulty in understanding and implementation. A long process of treatment can be developed in this process which is completely time-consuming. The restriction or the lack of ability is developed by an illness-related individual’s ability. The lack of ability to perform an activity cannot be developed with the ICF model (Baranello et al. 2022). The participation restrictions can be developed with people to solve the life conditions. The attitudinal environments can not be developed with the ICF model. The self-care, independence level, health care, hearing and mobility can be considered functional disabilities in the ICF model.
The advantages of the biomedical model
Therapeutic interventions in human diseases to develop an ability to understand normal and abnormal functions from gene to phenotype. This is the modern way to diagnose health problems and create a treatment in western countries. The life expectancy of people can be increased with the help of this model (Lawford et al. 2019). The common problems are treating people and returning them to health conditions. Medical technologies can be advanced with the help of this model which is beneficial for creating health conditions for them. The life quality of people facing chronic conditions can be solved with medications in the biomedical model.
The disadvantages of the biomedical model
The biomedical model is costly for governments to cure health conditions with the help of advanced medical technologies. This is unable to diagnose the development of a particular health condition (Erolin 2019). Behavior modification cannot be helpful to cure all issues of health conditions. The expenses of treatment in the biomedical model can be huge for an individual. The importance of social, physiological and lifestyle cannot be considered in this model; it is overlooked for chronic and complex disorders (Serbest et al. 2021). This model cannot provide good health and well-being which is the lack of this model. The issues featured in the biomedical model are fixed by medical doctors which are affecting the health conditions to ensure definable illness.
Person-centered physiotherapy and its effects on the biomedical model
The person-centered approach can be developed as a health services delivery in this model which is an essential part of influencing a person’s health and functioning. The manageable unit can be developed as a contextual system which is affecting the medical conditions of patients. The chemical imbalance can be treated with disease-specific drugs which are useful to cure mental disorders. This model is entirely patient-centered and is developed with the help of conversations between therapists and patients (Killingback et al. 2022). Empowerment and motivation can be developed with a person getting supported with the treatment. Independency and fulfillment in life can be developed with different strategies to gain strength and abilities with the help of this system it is recognized as different strategies (Søndenå et al. 2020). Personalized support and care can be provided for helping the patients with treatment. The absence of disease is can be developed with the help of a biomedical model. The primary conditions of death in tuberculosis, diarrhea, influenza and pneumonia can be understood with the help of the biomedical model.
From this essay, it can be concluded that the ICF model and biomedical model are essential for helping patients in their own way. This is beneficial to overcome health conditions which are able to ensure the safety and security of the patients. These factors are helping to develop a person with a permanent or temporary disability. The disabilities are measured with the ICF model which is gaining growth in helping medical conditions of human life. The ICF is developing biomedical models which are beneficial for them to understand the causes of physical and biological diseases. The data used for curing with the biomedical model are useful for gaining a systematic way to develop patients’ lifestyle conditions. The disadvantages of ICF and the biomedical models are understood in this essay and the limitations of these models are also explained which are important for focusing towards the growth of patients to overcome different medical health conditions such as depression. The reduction of psychological disorders can be beneficial to gain the actions which are affecting the central nervous system.
Reference list
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